Monday, September 04, 2006

Okay the End of the 1st Day

Okay when I wrote earlier it was after my first two classes of the day. At lunch I was invited to speak at a higher level class (the next year/2nd year students who wishes to go to college). And boy let me tell you, there was a huge difference! I actually got reactions from these students and they looked interested. It made me feel so much better. Thus, because they looked interested I was more relaxed. The presentation went a lot smoother and I even had time to show them some satelite images I had downloaded of Miami, Miami Beach, My home in Miami, My school in NY, and NYC (Times Square). They seemed really impressed with that. When I left that class, I felt so much better. Being as how I was a bit depressed after the first two classes.

So, there`s hope yet. It`s just that in the future, I really need to pay attention to each classe`s level of ability. Making lessons can`t be for the general masses, otherwise they`ll lose interest because they don`t understand (like this morning). Oh boy!.....


Blogger z said...

hahaha, i know how you feel. i'm always checking in with my students when i teach freshman writing . . . and they *do* understand the words coming out of my mouth (i think).

September 14, 2006 at 8:53 AM  
Blogger Shrls said...

Well arent you lucky missy! ;)

September 20, 2006 at 4:16 PM  

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