Friday, November 24, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!

Happy Thanksgiving my lovely peeps!

I miss you all so much. I tried calling several of you this morning (your thanksgiving evening), but I couldn`t get through to anyone except one. So hopefully you all will be reading this.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!! I love you all and I hope you are enjoying this day with your family. It`s when you`re not able to be with them that you realize the importance of cherishing holidays and moments like these. So if you`re with your family, appreciate the occasion!!!!!! Even if things are not in tip-top shape.

This past weekend the JETs here had thanksgiving dinner in Mito (the city that I ALWAYS end up in on the weekends- an hour and a half drive away btw....). Never the less, it was sooo much fun. There was so much food left over. The Brits didn`t know what was what though because they don`t celebrate Thanksgiving. For the Canadians, it`s just about the same so no probs there. My cheesecake turned out really good this time.

I have pics that will be posted in a couple of days on my flicker site. Please stay tuned.

Again I love and miss you all!!!!!!


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