Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Going For What You Believe In

I read this article and while doing so I realized something I hadn't thought would happen.... I was actually sad from learning about news that should have probably made me relieved.... In the middle of the night, Castro announced that he was stepping down from office. Isn't this great news? Shouldn't I be happy that the Cuban people will finally have a chance at "democracy?" Hadn't Castro been the "enemy" for so many years and caused so much pain? Hasn't he ruined lives after lives of the people I've been surrounded by all throughout childhood?

Yes, all of the above seems true. But I wonder now... Growing up in Miami, I heard about what happened in Cuba firsthand. Any small piece of news, whether it was news breaking or not was covered. In fact what happened in Cuba was constantly spoken about in the Haitian community because of the "apparent" inequalities given to Cuban refugees over Haitian refugees. Yet, when reading this article this morning, for the first time I saw Castro for the true idealist he was/is. Before his quest to "free" his country he worked "within" the system and went through the ropes like any other who wanted better for their own country. He went to law school, went into politics and ran for public office. But when his country fell at the hands of stern leaders he did what any true idealist would do. He dedicated his mind and his life to realizing a country he thought would be better for his people. He had a dream and he wasn't afraid to go after it.

Today, as I read that article I thought Castro really did believe he was making his country better. I don't think he wanted so much to crush out the opposition as he wanted to bring in a true egalitarian system. I know many will disagree. I myself have points counter arguing with my statements as I write. But then I think, if people, any people, were really oppressed and wanted change, wouldn't the masses rise up and overthrow this "abomination?" Look at America's history, the French Revolution, and the quintessential revolt in Haiti. Wouldn't they rise up and revolt? I say they would. Castro has only ruled for so long because the people have accepted this. And I'll even go out on a limb and say... maybe even wanted it this way?

Don't kill me on this one folks. It was just something that occurred to me while reading the news this morning.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

The reason they haven't revolted is they have no resources to do so. So many people who have opposed the government have landed in jail and had their families suffer. Without resources (which is exacerbated by the US embargo) these people have no options to revolt. I will turn the question around ask you - if these people really wanted this 'ideal', why would they risk not only their lives, but their childrens lives in crossing the ocean to the US? Revolt is not an option due to the starvation of resources and so the only recourse is to dream of escape. That does not sound like a society content with the ideals it is being served.

I was very disappointed to see this post on facebook, but appreciate the honesty... I would just hope that a little more research into why there was little reaction in Cuba would be merited... mainly that Castro's political genius (he is an extremely smart man) has allowed his regime to transition without his presidency and there is little change for those on the island. The only change right now is merely symbolic for those in exile.

February 21, 2008 at 5:48 AM  
Blogger Shrls said...

Thank you whomever you are for leaving a comment....  You are certainly allowed to disagree with what was written. I welcome your opinions.  Like I mentioned, I myself have points that I can easily counteract with.

But my aim here was to try and bring people to look at Castro's side. To try and understand where he was coming from. This was what I wasn’t capable of doing until yesterday. If the U.S.'s commercial plants and businesses didn't get taken over in exchange for a socialist system, do you still think Cuba would be where it is now? Imagine if the U.S. had simply recognized the country's sovereign decision to follow its own political paradigm that didn’t follow the States’? Not communistic (although I’m not arguing that it too shouldn’t be recognized), but initially, Castro was going for something more egalitarian. He ended up with Communism because he was probably cornered into choosing between “democracy,” which had previously failed his country, and communism which looked more like the system he sought after, believed in.

What I’m saying is maybe what happened in Cuba wasn’t because of a single man’s stern ruling, but because of the lack of one country to recognize another’s sovereign choice for governance.

On the point of revolt, I will be blunt because I think beating around the corner is a waste of time (sometimes ;) ). I think your reasoning is insufficient. Of course they face a lack of resources. But has this insufficiency ever stopped the “weak” from revolting against governments and institutions in the past? Think of India and its peaceful revolt (meaning no armory or “resources” as you would put it) against the “mighty” country of Britain. The people of India were united as one and determined to free their country of a government they didn’t believe in. Not having sufficient resources is definitely a detriment. But it still stands that there is power in numbers and uniform conviction. If enough people wanted change, really wanted it, I think they would rise up together and overtake their government. Just because what happened in the Bay of Pigs turned out to be a failure, doesn’t mean that future attempts would have the same result.

February 21, 2008 at 9:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look up Dr. Biscet's story

February 21, 2008 at 12:50 PM  
Blogger Shrls said...

That's it? Well I can't promise you that I will, but I'll try and check it out.

Thanks anonymous ;)

February 21, 2008 at 1:15 PM  
Blogger Josh Colyer said...
Christian, anti-abortion, speaks out against human rights violations, been in jail in Cuba for a while.


I was recently messing around with Google Earth and decided to take a trip to Ithaca. I couldn't remember which street CICF was on, so I hunted down the address on the CICF website.

And you were there...way led to way and now I find myself looking through your many interesting pics!
Playful Shadows - I really like the more abstract detail-texture-color pics you take!

I am in Boulder, CO now...doing solar array designwork...pretty fun.

I hope you are alright - keep taking pics!


April 12, 2008 at 2:31 PM  
Blogger Shrls said...

Okay so I've read a bit of Dr. Biscet's story and it's a sad one. But I'm sorry to say that my point still stands. Where are the masses? Unless they rise up together there will be no change...

Josh, thanks for stopping by! Man it's been such a long time! Wow! You're in Colorado now. I'm also thinking of taking a trip to Ithaca? Have you gone yet? I'm thinking of heading there in September! If you can let's meet up! :)

And thanks for the compliments on the pics. I will definitely keep taking pictures! ;)

May 13, 2008 at 1:44 AM  
Blogger Josh Colyer said...


Thanks for the note! I am having a hard enough time getting back home (to Iowa) let alone travelling to Ithaca...

I know I would really enjoy getting to see Kelli Cooney again...but I think she's up in Syracuse, right?

Well, take care!

-Josh Colyer

May 17, 2008 at 8:44 PM  
Blogger Shrls said...

Hey Josh! Thanks again for stopping by pal. I really appreciate it. :)

Yeah, Kelli is in Syracuse, but it's only a couple hours away. I'm sure it wouldn't be too much of a hassle to meet up if we did head out to Ithaca.

I'm sorry to hear about your busy schedule and you not even being able to visit home... but if it does ever work out or some time amazingly gets dropped in your inbox please do try to make it in September! ;)


May 19, 2008 at 11:43 AM  
Blogger Josh Colyer said...


Ah! You really do make me want to go out to Ithaca!

We'll see...we'll see....

May 23, 2008 at 3:46 PM  
Blogger Shrls said...

you know you want to.....!!!! ;)

July 1, 2008 at 9:51 AM  

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