Sunday, December 03, 2006

Gettin Ikkyu

Today, I had the Kendo exam for ikkyu. The first title in Kendo (at least in Japan). In the States. I think you can get Nikyu (it goes down to one (ikkyu) in one counting system and then goes up to eight (hati-dan) in another ).

It's amazing how it's taken me this long to take the exam. But you know what? I'm happy that I took it here in Japan rather than the States. It was such a wonderful experience. With the practice I've had in the States I was a little assured of my performance. Yet, when the time came, I think I got a bit nervous. I felt a load of pressure because, of course, I was the only foreigner there and I felt like I was on show. So, for all foreigner's sake as well as that of my Sensei's, I had to do my best or else. ;)

In the end, it turned out well and I'm even pleased with my form which I got see on video soon afterwards. The first time I ever saw myself on video playing Kendo, I thought, boy do I need to work on my form. This time I liked what I saw, so all in all, I'm very happy with the experience.

Although, right after the closing ceremony for the exam was over, Laura and I went to the gym for an hour or so. I thought I would be fine, but after not eating all day and then the extra exercise, my body gave up on me. Now I feel pain all over as if I were coming down with a fever. It's no fun I tell ya. :(


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