Friday, January 18, 2008

The Papers are Signed

Wow, I just signed the dotted line stating that I won't be recontracting for another year in my job.

I don't know why, it's what I want to do but the fact that I had sign and trun in that paper was a bit scary/intimidating.

Ahhh!!!!! It means that's it!! Whatever happens, I won't be here.


Tuesday, January 15, 2008


I would sincerely like to apologize for the latent postings of my blog entries. It's not that I haven't been writing, it's just that I haven't been posting them online. I would start an entry and just put it aside thinking I would get back to it later. Then that started happening more often, and sooner or later it started becoming a habit. :(

Sorry! Here are tons of entries I've written, please check them out from September on.

I love you!!!!! :)
