Monday, May 12, 2008

Graduation: An Eye Opener Visit

I just came back from a visit home. My lil sis graduated from university this past week. I'm so proud of her as she has come a long way. I remember when I had to drill into her head again and again when she was in middle school that D's and F's in class weren't "cool" as everyone else around us seem to try to convince us of. It took a while, but finally something clicked and ever since I haven't had to worry about her anymore. These days, my worries are directed towards my little brother... So seeing her walk down that aisle was a blessing. I thank God that He has helped to keep her focus so that this day was realized.

Yet, the trip seemed more than just a celebration of a long journey. It also served as a slap in the face to reality. In three months I will be moving back to the States for good. At least for a little while. Being there this past week gave me a glimpse as to what I would be coming back to and I must say that I wasn't all too pleased. I can't put my finger to it, but I had a heaviness in my heart thinking about moving back. I'm sure most of it was thinking about how I would miss the craziness that is Japan. But I also felt some microscopic but finite sliver of fear that I could get stuck in the slump that folks like to call "life." I.e. taking up an odd job because it takes care of the urgent needs now, falling into a mesmerizing routine until I wake up from that slumber of "life" 10 years down the road and question; "where has the time gone?" "Man, I can remember when I wanted to do this, and that. Now it's too late for all that."

Lord God I hope that doesn't happen... sigh, back to gearing myself to action. Inaction is my biggest enemy these days.